The Shooting Star Program
152 US Route One #8
Scarborough, Maine 04074
Phone: 207-883-5882 | Fax: 510-1831
E-mail Director: Ruth C. Hughes M.Ed
The Shooting Star Program
152 US Route One #8
Scarborough, Maine 04074
Phone: 207-883-5882
Fax: 510-1831
E-mail Director: Ruth C. Hughes M.Ed.
Letter People Curriculum:
At The Shooting Stars Program, we have adopted The Letter People Curriculum within our classrooms. The Letter People is a comprehensive preschool program which coincides with The State of Maine Learning Results for early Childhood Education. click here for more...
Second Step Curriculum:
Shooting Stars has purchased the Second Step curriculum and uses it a few times a week through out the school year. The program is designed for preschool aged children and teaches skills to listen, pay attention, remember directions and control emotions. click here for more...
Social Thinking Curriculum: Shooting Stars has purchased the Second Step curriculum and uses it a few times a week through out the school year. The program is designed for preschool aged children and teaches skills to listen, pay attention, remember directions and control emotions. click here for more...
Ready SET Go Curriculum: The Shooting Stars Program has adopted the Ready S.E.T. Go preschool curriculum which is a program that integrates sensory integration into daily curriculum. click here for more...
Handwriting without Tears: Handwriting fluency is fundamental to learning because children think and write at the same time. When we teach children to write, we also teach them how to express themselves. If they struggle to form their letters,their ability to express themselves will suffer. Handwriting without Tears has designed a curriculum specific to preschool age development called “Get Set for School.” click here for more...
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